Tag Archives: Ubertwitter

Current Obsession

13 Jul
The 30 minute train ride to Penn Station couldn’t have been shorter as I made the mistake of googling “free Blackberry apps” to download. I downloaded four Blackberry Applications that may change the way you function from this day forward. Yes. It’s that serious.

First up, Google Maps.
pop1 The first day of my internship, I’m standing in the middle of New York City on 34th and thinking about the miracle I would need make the 10:30 “welcome interns” meeting. My good friend Shani recommended hopstop.com (which is LOVELY by the way). But at this point, 18 minutes away from being fired before I can say “Pastry”, and I need divine intervention. As good as the story sounds, turns out that I never got my divine intervention besides finding out that I had the meeting time wrong, which gave me an extra 48 minutes to speed walk. I could’ve had extra time to cruise 7th Ave, browse Zara, and possibly get an iced latte if I had Google Maps in my life at the time. Between hopstop.com and Google Maps I will never be hopeless and confused in the city again. Never again.

Second up is WordPress!
pop Now that I’m officially back in the blogger’s game I was extremely excited about this app. Your telling me that instead of tweedling my thumbs on twitter I can be blogging on the train ride home? Sweet!

Third in the running is Stock Viewer and Beyond 411 Search. I can get up to the minute information on my favorite stocks (what a coincidence that Google happens to be one of my favorite stock, followed by Apple) with the Stock Viewer and search for Chipotle locations in New York on the 411 search.

Going into the third month with my Blackberry 8900 I am officially addicted. Facebook and Ubertwitter will remain two of my favorite blackberry applications however I can’t wait to get to put my new toys to use!