Tag Archives: elizabeth and james

Blow a fuse here…

6 Aug

Gmail delivered this lovely email today:

Dear Nichole:

Gilt Fuse is nearly here!

Just like Gilt, there’ll be a whole new lineup of fashion, just for women. And here’s the difference: the prices will be much lower and we’ll feature a wider range of styles to mix and match. Dress the way you feel: edgy today, boho tomorrow and preppy the day after.

It’s your style, Gilt Fuse lets you express it.

Our debut sale features stunning styles from:
Kova T
Modern Amusement

Only our members are invited to access Gilt Fuse before it has a wider release in the fall. That’s why we need you to tell us what you love and what you just like.

Click below for a hint of Gilt Fuse, before Wednesday, August 12.


See you there,

Alexis and Alexandra

Gilt Groupe’s latest venture, Gilt Fuse will feature contemporary brands at lower price points than older sister Gilt Groupe. The first brands to debut the site will be sold at prices up to 70% off retail! If you are net yet a member of giltgroupe.com, act fast so that you can take advantage of these major sales!

The site will be launched at 12:00pm on August 12 at http://www.giltfuse.com.

By the way, have you visited giltgroupe.com lately? I’ve never seen Elizabeth and James price points that low!